Thursday, March 11, 2010

Jackson 5K Run and Fitness Walk Canceled!

Unfortunately the Jackson 5K Run and Fitness Walk was canceled! I'm sorry and so bummed about it!! I'm looking into other local races that are going on around that date! There is the Celebrity 5K on March 21st on the beach which looks like a lot of fun and a really nice place to run.... BUT... the info on the website says that they DON'T ALLOW BABY JOGGERS!!! Boo! What is that?!?!?!? Either way I'm looking into it, I've already contacted the organizers of the race to see if they would let us participate. In the mean time I'll keep looking up other races in late March/ early April to see if there is one that would be fun for us to participate in!

I'll keep you posted! Now I'm off to get ready for BabyWeight Basics, time to get some stability in my loose, wobbly joints!

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