Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I guess I'll sleep again in a few years ...

Wow, what a night we had last night! (and not in the woohoo party time kind of way!)

It seems that CJ gave his cold to Ellie and now there are 2 boogerie noses in my house which means no sleeping for me!!! I'm pretty sure that I was up very hour on the hour last night and to make matters worse I shattered my coffee pot this morning!! Things were not looking good in the Diez-Arguelles house this A.M.

But salvation came in the form of my sister Carmen and McDonald's coffee!! Yay!! Crisis averted and the day went on! I was able to function (kinda) and came up with some really good stuff for BabyWeight class tomorrow (maybe this sleep deprivation works for me! =) )

Ellie is 2 weeks old today!! Yay!! So that means only 2 more weeks of lock-down before I can go back to full on bootcamp mode. (as directed by my OB. Some women need to wait more or less time before returning to their regular workout routine depending on a number of factors including past medical history and the circumstances of their labor) But after teaching my BabyWeight Basics class yesterday, I was only reminded of how if I want to be ready to go in 2 weeks I better keep up with my post-pardem strength, stability training. In order to prevent injury when returning to a regular workout program us moms need to make sure that we have properly strengthen and retrained those muscles most damaged through pregnancy (i.e. pelvic floor muscles, core/trunk stabilizing muscles, and proximal muscles of our shoulders and hips)

The routine is easy and can be done from the comfort of your bed or couch with your baby in your arms!! Lying on your back just run through these exercises: kegels, abdominal bracing, pelvic tilts, chin tucks, heel slides and bridging. Start with as many reps of each as you can do working your way up to 10-15 reps of each. These above exercises will start waking up your pelvic floor, and abdominal muscles reminding them that they have a job to do! These exercises will also start putting your body back into proper alignment, stretching out muscles tighten and strengthening those weakened.

Well that’s it for now ... more to come soon, hopefully after I get a few consecutive hours of sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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