Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Luly is on BootCamp LockDown Work Out 1

WARM-UP  (While holding your baby or with your baby in the baby sling or carrier or in the stroller)
- 10 mini squats
- 10 alternating foward lunges (5 each leg)
- 10 alternating side step lunges (5 each leg)
- 30 body twists (feet shoulder width apart twist shoulders right/left keeping hips stationary)
- repeat 4 above exercises 3X

STRETCH (with baby in stroller or on mat on floor next to you) Hold each stretch position for 30 to 45 seconds before moving on to the left side and repeat.
- Standing hamstring stretch
- Standing quad stretch
- Standimg glute stretch
- Standing back stretch
- Standing overhead shoulder stretch
- Standing chest stretch

Set One (With baby in your arms or your baby sling)
-  15 standard squats - hold the last squat in the down position and pulse a small up and down movement for a count of 20 - repeat x 2
10 stationary lunges Right leg forward - hold the last lunge down and pulse for a count of 20 -  repeat on left then repeat on right then left once more
30 baby bag bicep curls (or if holding your baby: 30 baby bicep curls) - 15 each arm
- Repeat this set (squats, lunges, and curls) 3 times

Set Two (with baby in stroller or on mat in front of you)
- 5 - 10 Push ups
     - option 1: hands on floor and on your knees
     - option 2: hands on floor and up on toes
     - option 3: hands on floor and up on toes on foot rail of stroller
- 20 knee tucks holding above chosen position  (10 each knee)
     - option 1: alternating right knee to left shoulder and left knee to right shoulder
     - option 2: with feet on stroller foot rail tuck both knees into chest and back out straight (10 reps)
 - 10 plank ups
     - holding above push up position: come down onto left elbow then right then back up onto left hand
       with arm out stretched and right hand with arm out stretched - repeat 4 times then 5 more times with
       right arm leading
- repeat Set 2 twice

Set 3 (holding baby or with baby in sling)
- 20 alternating side tap squats ( stand feet together: step out with right foot squat down as you stand up bring left foot in to tap next to right and back out to left. Squat back down and this time as you stand back up tap your right foot in next to your left and back out to right.  repeat switching sides to complete reps
- 20 standing leg lifts (10 each leg) with 10 pulses between legs (stand on right leg, holding stroller for stability, lift up left leg about 6-10 inches keeping toes pointed forward and without moving hips, then bring back down and repeat to complete reps.  On the last rep hold up and pulse just a little bit higher for a count of 10
- 10 Baby Bag upright row or Baby Upright Row
- 10 Baby Bag shoulder raises or Baby Raises
- Repeat Set 3, 3 times

Pictures and detailed descriptions of the exercises to follow soon!!!! (I promise!)

I just wanted to get the workout out! If you've been coming to babyweight you should know what most of these exercises are but if you have any questions as you're going over the work out feel free to call or email me at luly@babyweightinc.com

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