So one week post labor, and I'm still tired!!! LOL!
But after my horrible experience with my first this felt like a piece of cake! To make a long story short Wednesday morning (1/27/09) I went into the hospital with a horrible migraine and by 5:34pm Ellie Victoria Diez-Arguelles was born! The doctor broke my water at 12:30pm, put me on pitocin ( what a horrible horrible but wonderful drug that is!!) at 1:00 and I was pushing by 5:15pm; 15minutes and 5 contractions later she popped out! I couldn't believe how well it had gone, no episiotomy necessary!!!
5lbs 10oz and 18in long
My recovery has been AMAZING I didn't know that it could be this easy! Honestly after CJ was born I think i was a little traumatized to say the least. Last time due to complications I couldn't walk for 3 weeks, this time around they have to tie me to a chair to keep me from over doing it! LOL I have to thank God for the wonderful genetics that help make this possible but I also think that my exercising until the very very end (i mean to the last day) help out A LOT to make this whole experience much more pleasant!
From day one post-pardem I started reconditioning my core, searching for those abs that I used to have! Just 15-20 min a day of simple exercises that I do in bed (while I'm still half asleep) have help me feel much better, and taken away some that post delivery soreness, body and especially back aches. Abdominal bracing, pelvic tilts, bridging, kegels, and clamshells (i'll be posting pictures/descriptions of these exercises to my exercise database soon!) are my best friends! Also walking.... walk, walk, walk, walk as much as I can, the more I move the better I feel
Enough about me,
Ellie is the best most beautiful baby ever! (i think i'm a little bias!!) CJ has been so great and gentle with her, to my surprise! and Carlos, he's in love! Our first few nights together were rough to say the least but now she seems to understand my exhaustion and has decided to sleep at least 3 to 4 straight hours through the night! YAY!!!

Well enough for now, I've got a hungry baby calling and a 2yr old needing attention - i love being a mom!!! =0)
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