Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Welcome to BabyWeight

Welcome to BabyWeight!!!!

So, welcome ladies (and gentlemen, but I'm assuming mostly ladies)!!! I'm new to blogging so I'm guessing this blog will only get better and better as you stay tuned!

My name is Luly Diez-Arguelles, I'm a wife, a mom, doctor of physical therapy, aspiring entrepreneur, and ohhh yeah a preggers too!!
Let me tell you a little about what babyweight is and how it got started. When I was studying for my doctorate of physical therapy at UF I found out I was pregnant!! As if grad school wasn't complicated enough!! To make a long story short after a great pregnancy but looooong and complicated labor I realized that I getting back to normal was going to be more of a challenge than I had expected.  Not only were there the challenges of being a new mom but new found back and body aches, and my struggles to get my body back!!!!  With juggling baby, school, internships, work and exercise something was going to give!!! But being the stubborn girl that I am, I wanted it all! Soooo ... using my background in physical therapy and my growing experience as a mom I began developing BABYWEIGHT: A fitness and rehabilitation program for pregnant women and new moms, using their baby's weight to lose their baby weight.  Now exercise and baby-bonding time can be combined in one!!! 

See Events for current classes offered and stay tuned for more information on my budding business and belly (currently 24 weeks), fitness/health/nutrition, mom advice and challenges and so so much more .....

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